Boy Scouts

Displaying 1 - 12 of 14

Photograph of six Boy Scouts standing in a line at Camp Naish circa 1938. The boys, dressed in uniforms with neckerchiefs, stand in front of a small wood cabin or similar structure in a clearing surrounded by trees.

H.O. Cook

Over the duration of 40 years at historically black Lincoln High School, Hugh Oliver (H.O.) Cook shaped the school’s culture and curriculum, both as a mathematics and psychology instructor and later as principal of the institution from 1921-1944. A Washington, D.C., native and a graduate of Cornell (with a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Secondary School Administration), Cook’s vision for Lincoln High to serve and connect to the Kansas City region’s black community continued a legacy set by the school’s earlier principals.

Photograph of H. Roe Bartle, Boy Scout executive and future Kansas City mayor.

Issue of the anti-corruption, Kansas City-based newspaper, Future: The Newsweekly for Today. The front page includes an article, continued on page 8, discussing aspects of democracy and good government, and suggesting problems and solutions for clean elections. Other featured articles include: "Health and Politics" (pp.

Photograph of members of Boy Scouts Troop 80, taken during Bishop Hogan's Knights of Columbus Council, a picnic at Fairyland Park on August 30, 1931. Boy Scouts Troop 80 assisted and provided a clown act as pictured.

Photograph of Boy Scouts Troop 80 who formed a guard of honor for the field Mass on the ground of St. Agnes Academy during the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Sisters of Mercy, Kansas City, Missouri. Pictured, back row: Charles Hrenchir, Junior Brummel, Ralph Gray, Jack Ost, Robert McMillen, William McDonald, John Jones.

Letter from Kansas City City Manager H. F. McElroy to Bruno Nicoli, Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 80. McElroy expresses his gratitude for the scouts' assistance in the promotion of pedestrian safety and donates ten dollars to the troop.

Clippings from the Kansas City Post, Catholic Register, The Honor Roll, The Independent, and Kansas City Times concerning the Kansas City boy scouts selected as delegates to the Heart of America world jamboree to Godollo, Hungary in the summer of 1933. Featured in these articles are Edward J.

Photograph of Jack Day and Joe Lembke, two members of Boy Scouts Troop 80. The picture was taken during Bishop Hogan's Knights of Columbus Council, a picnic at Fairyland Park on August 30, 1931. Boy Scouts Troop 80 assisted and provided a clown act. Day and Lembke are dressed as "two Hoboes".

Photograph of members of Boy Scouts Troop 80. Pictured, front row: Bud Spaeth (left), Nick Thoennes (third from left), and Robert Reed (fourth from left). The picture was taken during Bishop Hogan's Knights of Columbus Council, a picnic at Fairyland Park on August 30, 1931. Boy Scouts Troop 80 assisted and provided a clown act.

Photograph of members of Boy Scouts Troop 80. Pictured, back row: Jack Day, Joe O'Connor, Howard Whalen, Donald Dunn; front row: Bud Spaeth, Nick Thoennes, Robert Reed. The picture was taken during Bishop Hogan's Knights of Columbus Council, a picnic at Fairyland Park on August 30, 1931.

Photograph of James Turgeon, E. F. Spaeth, and Joseph Scanlon, Assistant Scout Executive for the Kansas City Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The picture was taken during Bishop Hogan's Knights of Columbus Council, a picnic at Fairyland Park on August 30, 1931. Boy Scouts Troop 80 assisted and provided a clown act.
